Hi, I'm Ash
I've dedicated the last couple of years learning (and applying what I've learned) to improve my own life. Focusing on the 20% of efforts that bring 80% of the results
In this time I've gone from:
- Working a job I hated (industrial painting) and always working away from home
- Zero confidence
- Skinny fat (no muscle mass)
- Unfit
- Addicted to gaming
- Terrible diet
- Poor sleep
- Felt low energy
- Consistent brain fog
- Wasn’t depressed but also wasn’t happy and didn’t enjoy life
To my current situation:
- Working a job I enjoy (as a software developer)
- Confident
- Built 5kg of muscle, and gone from 20% -> 15% body fat (so far)
- No longer play games, replaced with reading
- Healthy, whole foods diet
- Great sleep
- Constant high energy from morning until bedtime
- Never get brain fog
- Genuinely enjoy my life